14 Questions to Ask a Swift Developer in a Job Interview

by Anwesha Sarkar

Hiring the right Swift developer can make a significant impact on the success of your iOS projects. Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language developed by Apple for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS app development. When interviewing candidates, asking the right questions is crucial to ensure they possess the necessary skills, experience, and mindset for the job. This article provides a list of the best questions to ask a Swift developer during a job interview, helping you identify the best fit for your team.

1. What experience do you have with Swift and iOS development?

This question helps you gauge the candidate’s overall experience with Swift and their familiarity with iOS development. It’s important to know how long they’ve been working with Swift, the types of projects they’ve completed, and the specific iOS features or frameworks they’ve utilized. Look for candidates who can demonstrate hands-on experience with Swift and showcase their understanding of the language’s nuances and capabilities.

2. How do you stay updated with the latest Swift developments and iOS trends?

Swift and iOS development are continually evolving, with new updates and features being released regularly. A strong Swift developer should be proactive about staying current with the latest trends, tools, and best practices. This question will help you assess their commitment to continuous learning and their ability to adapt to changes in the technology landscape.

3. Can you explain the difference between class and struct in Swift? When would you use each?

Understanding the fundamental differences between classes and structs is critical in Swift development. Classes are reference types, while structs are value types. This distinction affects how data is stored and manipulated in memory. A good Swift developer should be able to explain these differences clearly and provide examples of when to use each based on performance, mutability, and design considerations.

4. How do you manage memory in Swift? Can you explain ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)?

Memory management is a crucial aspect of iOS development. Swift uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to manage memory by automatically tracking and managing the app’s memory usage. A strong candidate should be able to explain how ARC works, identify potential memory issues like retain cycles, and describe strategies for avoiding memory leaks in Swift applications.

5. What is your approach to debugging and troubleshooting in Swift?

Effective debugging is essential for efficient software development. Ask the candidate to describe their process for identifying and resolving bugs in Swift code. They should mention tools like Xcode’s debugger, breakpoints, and logging. Look for candidates who can demonstrate a methodical approach to problem-solving and a keen eye for detail when tracking down issues.

6. Can you describe your experience with UIKit and SwiftUI? Which do you prefer and why?

UIKit and SwiftUI are two essential frameworks for building user interfaces in iOS applications. While UIKit has been the standard for many years, SwiftUI is gaining popularity due to its declarative syntax and ease of use. This question will help you understand the candidate’s familiarity with both frameworks and their ability to choose the right tool for a given project. Look for candidates who can articulate the strengths and weaknesses of each framework and explain their preferred approach.

7. How do you handle asynchronous programming in Swift?

Asynchronous programming is a common requirement in modern iOS applications, especially when dealing with tasks like network requests or long-running operations. Swift offers several tools for managing asynchronous code, including Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), Operation Queues, and the newer async/await syntax. A strong candidate should be able to explain these concepts, provide examples of when to use each, and demonstrate an understanding of the potential challenges associated with asynchronous programming.

8. Can you walk me through a recent project where you used Swift? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

This question allows the candidate to showcase their problem-solving skills and practical experience with Swift in real-world scenarios. Pay attention to how they describe the project’s goals, the specific challenges they encountered, and the strategies they used to overcome those challenges. Look for candidates who can demonstrate resourcefulness, creativity, and a results-oriented mindset.

9. How do you ensure code quality and maintainability in your Swift projects?

Maintaining high code quality is essential for long-term project success. Ask the candidate about their approach to writing clean, maintainable, and well-documented code. They should mention practices like code reviews, unit testing, following coding standards, and using tools like SwiftLint for enforcing style guidelines. Look for developers who prioritize code readability and maintainability, as this will lead to more scalable and sustainable projects.

10. How do you handle version control in your projects? What is your experience with Git?

Version control is a fundamental aspect of modern software development. Git is the most widely used version control system, and familiarity with it is essential for collaborative development. Ask the candidate about their experience with Git, including how they manage branches, handle merges, and resolve conflicts. Strong candidates should be able to demonstrate a solid understanding of version control best practices and explain how they use Git to ensure smooth collaboration within a team.

11. What is your experience with testing in Swift? How do you approach unit and UI testing?

Testing is a critical component of software development, ensuring that the code behaves as expected and that new changes don’t introduce bugs. Ask the candidate about their experience with testing in Swift, including how they approach unit testing, UI testing, and automated testing. They should mention tools like XCTest for unit testing and UI testing, as well as their strategies for writing effective test cases and maintaining a robust test suite.

12. Can you discuss a time when you had to optimize performance in a Swift application?

Performance optimization is often a key concern in mobile development, where resource constraints are common. Ask the candidate to discuss a specific instance where they needed to improve the performance of a Swift application. Look for candidates who can identify the performance bottleneck, explain the steps they took to address it, and describe the impact of their optimization efforts. This question helps you assess their understanding of performance considerations and their ability to apply practical solutions.

13. How do you approach security in iOS app development?

Security is a crucial aspect of any iOS application, especially when dealing with sensitive user data. Ask the candidate about their approach to securing iOS apps, including their knowledge of common vulnerabilities and the strategies they use to protect against them. Look for candidates who can discuss techniques like secure data storage, proper handling of user input, and best practices for implementing authentication and encryption in Swift applications.

14. What do you enjoy most about Swift development?

Finally, ask the candidate what they enjoy most about working with Swift. This question gives you insight into their passion for the language and their enthusiasm for iOS development. Look for candidates who express genuine excitement about Swift’s features, its ease of use, and the opportunities it provides for building high-quality, innovative apps.

The Advantage of Hiring a Qualified Swift Developer Through QIT Software

Finding and hiring a highly qualified Swift developer can be a daunting task, especially given the competitive nature of the tech industry. QIT Software simplifies this process by providing access to a pool of experienced Swift developers who have been thoroughly vetted for their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and passion for iOS development.

When you choose to hire through QIT Software, you gain the following advantages:

  1. Expert Matching: QIT Software uses a meticulous matching process to ensure that you are paired with a developer whose skills and experience align perfectly with your project needs. Whether you require expertise in Swift, SwiftUI, or complex iOS app development, QIT Software can connect you with the right talent.
  2. Time Efficiency: The traditional hiring process can be time-consuming, often taking weeks or even months to find the right candidate. QIT Software expedites this process by providing pre-screened candidates, allowing you to quickly onboard a qualified Swift developer and start your project without delay.
  3. Flexible Hiring Models: QIT Software offers flexible hiring models that cater to your specific needs. Whether you need a developer for a short-term project, a long-term engagement, or a dedicated team, QIT Software provides the flexibility to scale your development resources as required.
  4. Proven Track Record: Developers within the QIT Software network have a proven track record of delivering high-quality iOS applications. By hiring through QIT Software, you can be confident that you are working with professionals who have a history of successful project completions and satisfied clients.
  5. Seamless Collaboration: QIT Software emphasizes seamless communication and collaboration between you and the hired developer. This ensures that your project stays on track, with regular updates and the ability to provide feedback throughout the development process.


Asking the right questions during a Swift developer interview is essential to identify candidates who possess the necessary technical skills, experience, and mindset to contribute effectively to your team. Additionally, partnering with QIT Software can streamline the hiring process, ensuring that you find a highly qualified Swift developer who is the perfect fit for your project. By focusing on key areas such as Swift fundamentals, memory management, debugging, UI frameworks, and security, you can ensure that you’re hiring a developer who not only understands the language but is also capable of delivering high-quality, maintainable, and secure code.

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